The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Corre Gringa Corre!

So I'm going to dedicate this blog to what has quickly become one of my favorite activities in Ecuador, running. In the recreational sense not the trying to escape from someone sense.

There are a couple of major advantages to running in Ecuador as compared with the US. Firstly, it's a lot more exciting. If you think the lakefront path on Saturday morning in Chicago is a challenge try adding packs of feral dogs, potholes the size of go carts and sudden tropical downpours. Things get a lot more interesting very quickly. The other day I wasn't paying close attention when turning a corner and I ran into a horse. The horse was more startled than I was. He was minding his own business having a nice mid-afternoon snack when a red faced foreigner barreled into him. Another time I only barely escaped a very scary very large dog with my incredible speed and the aid of a passerby who thankfully had some very impressive rock throwing abilities.

Secondly, it's like 90 degrees here in the shade every day so running three blocks is enough to work up a good sweat. It always makes me feel like I've accomplished something big even when I've only run a mile or two. Also it makes those cold showers a lot more enjoyable.

Last but certainly not least. My half hour jog is the highlight of afternoon entertainment in my town. People literally wait outside of their houses to watch me go by. Children cheer "Vamos gringrita vamos!" (which roughly translates to let's go white girl!). It makes me feel like a serious celebrity. When I eventually return to the states I'll probably look at strangers expectantly as I run past and wonder why they aren't jumping up and down and cheering for my amazing display of athletic ability.